Organizational Overview
The Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI) is a 501c6 non-profit certification body accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under ISO 17024:2012. Exam fees, annual maintenance fees, and training programs from FITSI members and certification holders support the organization.
Founded in 2009, FITSI was established to help provide a certification scheme for federal IT security workers in the United States. FITSI manages and administers the FITSP Certification Program. FITSP stands for the Federal IT Security Professional and is broken into four individual IT security certification programs targeted at the Federal workforce based upon role. The four roles are Auditor, Designer, Manager, and Operator.
FITSI's Mission
FITSI's mission is "To help secure the Nation's Federal Information Systems by certifying that Federal Workforce members understand and can apply appropriate Federal IT security standards."
Organizational Structure
Learn more about the groups and participants that help run the organization below.